
Themes :
PEONIES ,Flowers, Fruits, Still lives.


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The majority of these paintings presented here were sold. Some, more recent, are still available in the workshop of the painter or are exposed in the Art galleries. This "virtual" exposure has only for ambition to present the various aspects of the painting of Géneau. For any further information, refer to the page "CONTACT".

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"Pommes aux jardins d'Eden" 55 x 46 cm

"Orage en vue" 55 x 46 cm

"Welcome drink au château 65 x 54 cm

"Belles au lac"

"L'étang aux deux pivoines"

"Pivoines à St Jean aux Lacs" 65 x 54 cm

"Arbustives" 55 x 46 cm

"Le vieux cheval du lac" 65 x 54 cm

"Aphrodit lake" 55 x 46 cm

"Aphrodit Park" 46 x 55 cm

"Pivolac" 46 x 55 cm

"Vestiges" 65 x 54 cm

"Automne" 65 x 54 cm

sans titre

"Brumes printanières"

sans titre

"Trophée cantilien" 65 x 54 cm

"Rendez-vous aux étangs fleuris" 26 x 21 inches
Number of images : 29