
Themes :
PEONIES ,Flowers, Fruits, Still lives.


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The majority of these paintings presented here were sold. Some, more recent, are still available in the workshop of the painter or are exposed in the Art galleries. This "virtual" exposure has only for ambition to present the various aspects of the painting of Géneau. For any further information, refer to the page "CONTACT".

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"Welcome drink au château" 65 x 54 cm

"Vitrum II" 46 x 38 cm

"Vitrum" 46 x 38 cm

"Bourgogne de bord d'eau" 46 x 38 cm

"Au lac du Château" 65 x 54 cm

"Vasolac" 55 x 46 cm

"Concerto pour trompette et pivoines"

"Concerto pour pivoine et violon " 55 x 46 cm

"Chinese still life" 55 x 46 cm

"Ostensus" 54 x 65 cm

"Bronzopivoine" 54 x 65 cm

"Pivoine au grand jade vert 46 x 55 cm

"Aphrodite au vase chinois" 54 x 65 cm

"Bouddha à la pivoine blanche" 46 x 55 cmcm

"Scotch and the rocks" 46 x 38 cm

"Blanches versaillaises" 54 x 65 cm

"Ice cubes" 46 x 38 cm

"Goldopaline" 65 x 54 cm
Number of images : 223