
Themes :
PEONIES ,Flowers, Fruits, Still lives.


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The majority of these paintings presented here were sold. Some, more recent, are still available in the workshop of the painter or are exposed in the Art galleries. This "virtual" exposure has only for ambition to present the various aspects of the painting of Géneau. For any further information, refer to the page "CONTACT".

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"Aux vergers du Roi"21,65 x 18,11 inches

"Mémoire printanière" 26 x 21 inches

"White selection" 21 x 26 inches

"Mai de Chine" 26 x 21 inches

"French-Chinese tower" 21 x 26 inches

"Triomphe blanc" 22 x 18 inches

"Qianlong memory" 22 x 18 inches

"Pyramidorocaille" 18,11 x 14,96 inches

"Léo" 76,77 x 51,18 inches

"Pour la Pompadour" 18,11 x 21,65 inches

"A la fortune du pot rouge" 18,11 x 14,96 inches

"Fête fleurie" 21,26 x 25,59 inches
Number of images : 223