
Themes :
PEONIES ,Flowers, Fruits, Still lives.


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The majority of these paintings presented here were sold. Some, more recent, are still available in the workshop of the painter or are exposed in the Art galleries. This "virtual" exposure has only for ambition to present the various aspects of the painting of Géneau. For any further information, refer to the page "CONTACT".

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sans titre

"Hippoterracotta" 46 x 55cm

"Bilboquet normand" 38 x 46 cm

"Soir de fête" 55 x 46 cm

"Chapeaux turcs à Louxor" 46 x 55 cm

"Chinese still life" 55 x 46 cm

"Balustre aux chapeaux turcs" 65 x 54 cm

"Pommes aux jardins d'Eden" 55 x 46 cm

"Pommes au grand bachamois" 65 x 54 cm

"Welcome drink au Château Géneau" 46 x 38 cm

"Festival chinois" 65 x 54 cm

"Pommes au Rock's Lake" 65 x 54 cm

"Abondance baroque" 65 x 54 cm

"Appius" 65 x 54 cm

"Osmose" 55 x 46 cm

"Pommes en virgule" 46 x 55 cm

sans titre

"Bric à Brahms au nautile" 55 x 46cm
Number of images : 223